
Resources and Further Reading

The following is a list of resources related to the Anarchominimalist Processes. We neither condone nor condemn the contents of these links.

We recommend you use a safe(r) browser like Tor ( to access any of the below links.

  1. Owning only the amount that serves you
    The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up/Spark Joy by Marie Kondo
    Essentialism by Greg McKeown
    Goodbye, Things: On Minimalist Living by Fumio Sasaki
    Heal Your Living The Joy of Mindfulness, Sustainability, Minimalism, and Wellness
    by Youheum Son

  2. Minimizing the amount of labor you expend
    Making a budget (Citation Needed)

  3. Circumventing the Economy (Sharing, Repairing, Scamming, and Stealing)
    Time and Being by Anonymous
    For Tension (
    How to Steal and Not Get Caught by the Chicago Shoplifting Collective

  4. Reducing ecological impact and resource extraction
    Heal Your Living The Joy of Mindfulness, Sustainability, Minimalism, and Wellness by Youheum Son
    Steal Meat // Be a Kleptitarian by Anonymous
    Warrior Up: Techniques for sabotaging capitalist infrastructure and extractive industries (
    Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching by Various Authors

  5. Removing physical and digital evidence
    The Counter Sureveilence Resource Center/No Trace Project (
    List of Data Brokers to Request Deletion from (
    Tor (
    Anarsec: Tech Guides for Anarchists (
    Surveillance Self Defense (
    Turn off Your Phone (
    Smash All Phones (
    The P.E.T. Guide by Anonymous

  6. Limiting your Digital footprint and screen time
    Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport
    How to Break up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life by
    Catherine Price
    Caught in the Net: notes from an era of cybernetic delirium by Anonymous
    Beyond the Screen, The Stars by Anonymous
    Kill the Cop in your Pocket (

  7. Building skills for enjoyment, sustainability, mutual-aid, self-defense and self-care
    Live like the World is Dying (
    Mutual Aid Social Therapy (

  8. Preparing for ecological or social disasters
    Live like the World is Dying (
    Bug Out Bag list (Citation Needed)
    EDC List (Citation Needed)
    Prepper List (Citation Needed)

Everything for Everyone, Nothing for Ourselves

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